Active Agers

Ageing with Meaning: GRACE Programme

Befitting IGA's name and mission, Ageing with Meaning: Gradual Retirement Activities for the Community Elderly (GRACE) programme is designed to prepare older persons for the next phase of their life – retirement. It also aspires to challenge and empower participants to attain mastery of active ageing concepts towards becoming ambassadors of active ageing.

Anchored by geriatricians and facilitated by an interdisciplinary team of Geriatrics-trained professionals, the GRACE programme provides in-depth coverage of pertinent topics including cognition, nutrition and spirituality among others, augmented by an individualised health plan and exercise prescription. It focuses not just on engagement of the older adults in activities but also on the empowerment of knowledge with customisation of steps towards behavioural change that will result in meaningful ageing.

The GRACE (Gradual Retirement Activities for the Community Elderly) workshops aim to:

  1. Equip older adults with knowledge and skills and take active steps to set goals and age actively,
  2. Individualise their health screenings and exercise prescription to allow them to enjoy ageing based on their needs and requirements, and
  3. Empower them with resources to attain mastery of active ageing concepts and practice, to become ambassadors of active ageing.

A consultant geriatrician will be the overall coordinator for the workshop, with all sessions facilitated by trained multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals.

Key Features

GRACE-Engaged: 6 sessions

  • introduces participants to concepts of active ageing
  • provides background knowledge on topics
  • deepens participants’ understanding through applied activities during sessions

GRACE-Enabled:8 sessions

  • follows up with the same participants over the next months
  • personalised programme
  • focuses on a few areas including individual health plan and physical activity, nutrition, cognition and well-being

GRACE-Empowered: 6 sessions

  • envisions the older adults to i) participate in intergenerational activities with the younger generation, ii) volunteer in our programme and iii) organise and participate in like-minded group activities together as a community

*National Silver Academy (NSA) funding is applicable to Singaporeans and PRs aged 50 and above.


The National Silver Academy (NSA) is a network of post-secondary educationinstitutions (PSEIs) (i.e. ITE, polytechnics, universities and arts institutions) andcommunity-based organisations (CBOs) that offer learning opportunities forseniors. Beginning June 2016, seniors aged 50 and above can attend short courseswhich touch on a wide range of life-skills in addition to work-skills.

For selected courses at IGA, the final fee payable by seniors(both Singaporeans and PRs) takes into account the support given by the governmentto community-based organisations to develop and offer the short courses.

Find out more about National Silver Academy at


Skillsfuture is a national movement to provide Singaporeans with the opportunities to develop their fullest potential throughout life, regardless of their starting points. Through this movement, the skills, passion and contributions of every individual will drive Singapore's next phase of development towards an advanced economy and inclusive society.

No matter where you are in life – schooling years, early career, mid-career or silver years – you will find a variety of resources to help you attain mastery of skills. Skills mastery is more than having the right paper qualifications and being good at what you do currently; it is a mindset of continually striving towards greater excellence through knowledge, application and experience. With the help of the Future Economy Council, education and training providers, employers, unions – you can own a better future with skills mastery and lifelong learning. Your skills. Your asset. Your future.

Find out more about SkillsFuture at

Target Audience

50 – 75 years old and conversant in English

Upcoming Event

To be confirmed

Registration Details

Please email to if you wish to be placed on the priority list for our upcoming run.
