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Prostate Surgery: Post-Transurethral Resection or Vaporisation of the Prostate Surgery

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What You Should Take Note After You are Discharged From Prostate Surgery?

  1. It is normal if you notice some blood in the first voided urine in the morning. This will usually clear by drinking plenty of water, at least 1.5L to 2L during the day (unless your doctor has advised you to restrict your fluid intake).
  2. Ensure you have a high fibre diet and fruits e.g. papaya, banana (unless advised against by your doctor). This is to prevent constipation and straining when moving your bowels.
  3. Avoid driving for a week as you may have bladder spasms and frequent urge to pass urine.
  4. Avoid strenuous physical exercise and lifting heavy object for six weeks.
  5. Take the medications as prescribed.
  6. Come back to the clinic for review as scheduled.
  7. Contact us if you experience any of the following:
    • persistent blood stained urine;
    • blood clots in urine;
    • pain at the abdominal or loin pain;
    • fever, chills and shivering

Prostate Surgery Post-Transurethral Resection or Vaporisation of the Prostate Surgery.png

​Important Notes on The Day of Your Follow-up Appointment:

  1. Please come ONE hour before your appointment time to do the Uroflowmetry and Residual Urine Test.   
  2. If you do not have a urinary catheter, you will need to have a full bladder.
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