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Brain Injury: Improving Poor Attention and Memory Following a Brain Injury


Attention is associated with how we absorb and remember information. We often overlook the importance of concentration, especially because of the busy pace of our lives.

How are Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Affected?

Patients with TBI or Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) tend to be more sensitive to environmental factors such as noise, light and movement, which are common factors that affect concentration levels. This can lead to them feeling frustrated and irritable.

How to Improve Your Attention?

Break complex tasks into smaller manageable tasks
Vary the length and difficulty of the tasks (TIP: do the most difficult tasks when you are most alert)
Work in a quiet environment with minimal distraction
Identify your own warning signs of fatigue – Take a break when you feel tired. This will reduce the chances of errors
Do not multi-task. Focus on one thing at a time

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to replace the advice from a medical professional. You should consult your health care provider regarding specific medical concerns or treatment.

How to Improve Your Memory?

  1. Use visual/written reminders
  2. Place these reminders at visible locations
  3. Rephrase verbal instructions into short, simple sentences. Repeat them as often as necessary to improve retention/memory
  4. Group similar topics together. Form categories and create a visual mind map to process lengthy information
  5. Rehearse daily tasks to cultivate a habit
  6. Draw out a map and identify significant landmarks beforehand when going to places
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