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Urodynamic Study (UDS) and Video Urodynamic Study (VUDS)

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​What is Urodynamic Study (UDS)?

UDS is a test that measures your bladder pressure and how it reacts when it is full of urine. It will help to determine your bladder’s ability to store and release urine (urodynamics).

What is Video Urodynamic Study (VUDS)?

Similar to UDS, this test fills the bladder with specially dyed water. Following this, X-rays are taken.

Urodynamic Study (UDS) and Video Urodynamic Study (VUDS) 1.png

1. Bladder filling

Urodynamic Study (UDS) and Video Urodynamic Study (VUDS) 2.png

2. Bladder emptying

Why Do I Need This Procedure?

This test has been recommended by your doctor because you experience the following issues:

  • Urinary leaks
  • Difficulty holding your urine
  • Passing urine too often
  • Difficulty or inability to pass urine
  • Unable to empty your bladder completely

This test will provide your doctor with more information about your bladder, and will help in planning a suitable treatment for you.

What are the Preparations?

  • You need to fill up a bladder diary before the test. It records the amount of fluid you take, frequency of urination, and urine volume for three consecutive days. Our Urology Nurse Clinician will explain how to fill up the diary.
  • You will be prescribed oral laxatives (medication) to take one to two days before the test to clear your bowels.
  • You will be asked to provide an urine sample, which will be tested for infection. If you have an infection, you will need to take antibiotics before the test.
  • If you are taking medications for your bladder, you will need to stop taking them one day before the test.
  • You do not need to fast before the test. However, you will need to limit your fluid intake, and avoid caffeinated drinks (e.g. coffee, tea) two hours before your test.

How is the Procedure Performed?

  • You will be asked to lie down on a special couch. Local anaesthetic gel will be used to numb your urethra.
  • Two thin tubes will be placed into the bladder.
  • One tube measures the bladder pressure; and
  • The other tube fills the bladder with saline (salt water).
  • Another thin tube will be placed in the rectum to measure the abdominal pressure.
  • These tubes will be connected to a computer that measures the bladder activities.
  • An X-ray machine will be placed above your lower abdomen if required.
  • The bladder is gradually filled with saline and you will be asked to voice out when you have the sensation to pass urine.
  • You will be asked to cough, and may be asked to strain or lean forward.
  • Once you have the strong sensation to pass urine, one of the tubes in the bladder will be removed, and you will be allowed to pass urine as you would normally do.
  • Your doctor will discuss the test results and subsequent treatment plans with you.

What are the Potential Side Effects of the Procedure?

The procedure is relatively safe. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a side effect of this procedure but is uncommon.

What Can I Expect After the Procedure?

After the test, you might see some blood in your urine for the next 24 to 48 hours. You may also experience a slight stinging sensation or discomfort in your urethra. You are advised to drink adequate fluids after the test.

Are There Other Procedures I Can Choose to Undergo?

There is no alternative test to UDS/ VUDS that will provide the same amount of information on your bladder functions.

What Will Happen If I Do Not Undergo the Procedure?

You will not have accurate information of the urodynamics of your bladder.

Inform Your Doctor Immediately if You Have:

  1. Persistent fever which is higher than 38oC and chills
  2. Excessive blood or clots in your urine or stools
  3. Difficulty or inability to urinate

The instructions in this pamphlet are non-exhaustive. In specific cases, you may receive different or additional instructions from your doctor.
You are advised to follow any specific written or oral instructions given to you by your healthcare team.
Please clarify any queries with your healthcare team when you are in doubt.

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