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image of Dr. Vincent Yeo

Dr Vincent Yeo obtained his Medical and Anaesthesiology training at the National University of Singapore, and then went on to sub-specialise in Pain Management at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia, where he completed his Pain Fellowship and was made a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, FPM ANZCA (Australia) in 2009. Dr Yeo is a senior consultant in the Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, where he has previously led both the Acute and Chronic Pain Services.

Dr Yeo has special interests in multi-disciplinary collaborative cancer pain management and advanced interventional pain procedures. His main passion in the management of chronic pain is sustaining improvement in function and quality of life for chronic pain sufferers.

Common chronic pain conditions managed at his clinic include chronic back and neck pain, chronic regional pain syndrome (Type I & II), peripheral and central neuropathic pain such as post-herpetic neuralgia and phantom limb pain syndromes. Advanced non-surgical interventional procedures offered include epidural steroid injections, radiofrequency ablation and implantation of advanced neuromodulation or centroneuroaxial infusion systems.

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