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When you have cough, fever, runny nose and other symptoms, wear a mask quickly to avoid the spread of the virus.

Lianhe Zaobao (18 February 2020)

How to distinguish the symptoms of coronavirus, common flu and common cold? It is rumored that different viruses can be distinguished from the color of the patient's sputum. Is there any scientific basis for this statement? Three interviewed physicians offered their insights.   

Fever, cough, runny nose, and sore throat, are they symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19, referred to as coronavirus), common influenza, or the common cold? If you have these symptoms, don't panic, the important thing is to wear a mask to avoid the spread of the virus, and then seek medical attention as soon as possible, so that the doctor can diagnose the condition.


Virus symptoms cannot be generalized

In response to recent heated discussions about whether patients can distinguish between coronavirus, common flu and common cold from symptoms, Dr. Shawn Vasoo, clinical director of the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID), pointed out that the common cold, flu and coronavirus are indistinguishable from symptoms. GP Dr Lan Jianhui of the DTAP clinic agrees, as the symptoms of the three viral infections are similar. These symptoms can include fever, chills, symptoms of respiratory infection such as cough, sore throat, nasal congestion or discharge, difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, lethargy and loss of appetite, he said.

Dr. Lan Jianhui said: "Because some patients have almost no symptoms or only mild symptoms, we should not say with certainty that COVID-19 will have specific symptoms while the common cold will not have specific symptoms, and the symptoms of the virus cannot be generalized. Compared with COVID-19, the common cold is less likely to be fatal. On the other hand, flu can also cause complications and be fatal. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, so do not diagnose the disease yourself. Seek medical attention if you feel unwell. Currently Locally, the Department of Health has identified criteria for a suspected case, which are being used by primary care physicians to send suspected patients to hospital for further management."

Shortness of breath in severe patients

"Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Other common symptoms of coronavirus infection include runny nose, sore throat, headache and malaise. Some less typical symptoms can include diarrhea, feeling sick , chest pain and vomiting."

伊丽莎白诺维娜医院传染病 专科医生梁浩楠也指出,冠病患 者出现发烧、咳嗽和肌肉酸痛的 症状较常见。呼吸急促似乎是诊 断为冠病的关键症状之一,但因 为这症状出 现时往往已 经太迟, 要 以这症状来 诊断病情并 不理想, 一 旦有可疑症 状须尽快求 医。此外, 人们出现任 何身体抱恙 的症状都不 应该外出,避免散播病毒。

   肖恩·瓦索医生补充,冠病 潜伏期的中位数约为症状开始出 现的前三天,潜伏期最短为两 天,而在罕见病例中最长可达24 天。一般冠病患者比普通感冒患 者流鼻涕的次数少,但发烧更为 显著,也可能会有喉咙不适、咳 嗽的症状,严重的情况下也可能 发生呼吸短促,尤其是肺炎患 者。其他呼吸道病毒感染也会出 现发烧和喉咙不适等症状。胃肠 道症状如腹泻,可能发生在一小 部分的冠病患者身上,而这在普 通感冒患者中并不常见。

此外,在国家传染病中心确 认的病例中,稍微多于一半的病 例被诊断为上呼吸道感染,如流 感或普通感冒,而其余的病例则 是肺炎,大多症状比较轻微,但 有几个病例需要在加护病房接受 护理。肖恩·瓦索医生说,就连 较常见的流感也会导致严重的疾 病和肺炎,甚至可能致命


肖恩·瓦索医生推翻了坊间 流传可从患者咳出的痰颜色分辨 出不同病毒的说法。他说:“要 从痰的颜色来区分所患的是细菌 或是病毒感染已经不可靠,更何 况是要用来分辨出不同病毒。”

梁浩楠医生也说:“痰的颜 色,如绿色或黄色并不意味就是 有细菌感染,这只代表死亡的细 胞,而它可能来自病毒或者是细 菌感染。”

肖恩·瓦索医生透露,据 目前报告的冠病病例中,因冠 状病毒而引起病毒性肺炎(viral pneumonia)的情况,最常见的 症状是发烧,伴有呼吸短促和胸 部X光检查异常的现象。他与蓝 剑辉医生皆强调,如果过去14 天内曾到过中国,或是与最近从 中国来的旅客或已知的感染病例 有过频繁或密切接触,应告知医 生,并由医生来诊断是否需要接 受进一步的检查。

Note: The above figure briefly lists the more common symptoms, but different people may have different symptoms, and not all people may have these symptoms. As a result, the doctors interviewed consistently stated that people should not self-diagnose their illness based on symptoms. Once you suspect that you are infected with the virus, you should seek medical advice immediately, and then the doctor will judge whether further examination is needed to confirm the condition.

If you have respiratory infection symptoms, you can go to the PHPC clinic for medical treatment from now on

Local coronavirus patients often have mild, flu-like symptoms at the early stage of infection. He may continue to be active in the community and go back to work or school. In this regard, the Ministry of Health announced that starting today (18th), the public health prevention clinic will be restarted (Public Health Preparedness Clinics, PHPCs for short) plan.

Members of the public should seek medical treatment at PHPC clinics once they have symptoms of respiratory infection such as fever, cough, sore throat, and runny nose. If local citizens or permanent residents have respiratory symptoms, they only need to pay $10 at PHPC clinics, while Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation pay $5.

A list of PHPC clinics can be found at .

Patients with respiratory symptoms who are not diagnosed as suspected cases of pneumonia are entitled to five days of sick leave. Patients should strictly abide by the doctor's instructions, rest at home, avoid going to crowded places, and do not go back to work or school. If the condition does not improve within five days, seek medical attention again and have the doctor refer you for further diagnosis.

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