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Home > About TTSH > Awards & Recognition > Singapore Clinical Research Institute (SCRI) Distinguished Contributor Award For Clinical Research Coordinators (CRC)

Ms Priscilla Neo

Clinical Research Coordinator

11 January 2023

Ms Priscilla Neo, Clinical Research Coordinator, was conferred the Distinguished Contributor Award for Clinical Research Coordinators (CRC) - Finalist Award.

Priscilla has extensive experience managing oncology trials as a coordinator. She is meticulous and thorough and a great help to investigators in identifying suitable patients for studies. She also makes an extra effort to educate patients about clinical trials. Her mantra is to treat every patient with dignity, sincerity, and honesty while putting patient safety and welfare first. As a team leader, she not only has the ability to lead her team, but she is also the go-to person for work advice.

A CRC's work is critical in conducting clinical trials in Singapore, from ensuring regulatory compliance and managing trial logistics to journeying with patients over several years. Their contributions, however, are not always known or acknowledged. The Distinguished Contributor Award for CRCs recognises the consistent efforts of CRCs, which serve as the backbone of Singapore's clinical research community.

Clinical trials are conducted for patients who have exhausted all other forms of treatment or with healthy volunteers to learn more about a potential treatment. CRCs play a critical role in balancing the needs of clinician investigators and trial participants. Furthermore, CRCs handle the majority of research administrative tasks such as data collection, grant budget management, lab protocol review and development, junior CRC training, and even the procurement of laboratory essentials such as personal protective equipment.

Photo Credit: Consortium for Clinical Research and Innovation, Singapore (CRIS)

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