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Bullous Pemphigoid

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​What is Bullous Pemphigoid?

Bullous Pemphigoid (BP) is a skin disorder that causes blisters. It usually occurs in elderly people aged over 60. This condition is not contagious.

Bullous Pemphigoid.png

What Causes Bullous Pemphigold?

The reason for this abnormal skin disorder is unknown.
The blisters occur when your body produces antibodies that attack the tissue just below your outermost layer of skin. This causes the layers of your skin to separate and results in itchy and sometimes painful blisters.

What are the Common Signs and Symptoms?

  • Red and itchy rash
  • Blisters are large and filled with clear or blood-stained fluid
  • Skin of blisters may be thick and do not break easily when touched
  • Ruptured blisters are usually painful
  • Skin around the blisters may look normal or slightly red

What are the Tests to Confirm Bullous Pemphigoid?

  • Blood tests
  • A small sample (biopsy) of your skin may be taken and tested in a laboratory

How do I Treat Bullous Pemphigoid?

It cannot be cured, but treatments are usually successful to relieve the symptoms. In many cases, the symptoms may become under control with little or no medications. However, do note that the symptoms may re-occur.
Your doctor may prescribe oral medications such as corticosteroids / immunosuppressants / antibiotics / painkillers.

What are Some Possible Complications?

  • You may have a bloodstream infection if the ruptured blisters become infected
  • Blisters in the mouth or eye may result in scarring

How do I Care for Existing Blisters?

  • Wash your skin with prescribed solution or soap
  • Apply thin layer of prescribed creams or ointments such as corticosteroids or antibiotics
  • Apply moisturisers to dry skin regularly
  • DO NOT break the blisters unless instructed by your doctor
  • If the blister breaks, cover it with sterile non-adherent dressing
  • Avoid eating foods that may trigger or worsen ulcers in the mouth
  • It is recommended to have a high protein diet to replace loss of protein
  • Attend your follow-up appointment. This is to ensure that your treatment and prescribed drugs are effective.

For enquiries or if you feel unwell, you may contact the Dermatology Ward Staff at National Centre for Infectious Disease (NCID) at 63596021 or 63596022.

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