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Dental Surgery - Post-surgery Discharge Instructions

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​Dental Surgery Post-surgery Discharge Instructions

These instructions provide general information and advice regarding care after your surgery. Taking these precautions may help to reduce risks and complications.


You may start with soft diet, and resume your normal diet once you feel comfortable chewing.


  • No strenuous exercises after surgery.
  • You may resume your normal activities after you feel well and comfortable.

Wound Care

  • Do expect slight bleeding from the operation site for at least the first 6 hours after surgery.
  • If bleeding occurs, bite firmly on a piece of gauze for 5 minutes. To be repeated, if necessary.
  • Do expect slight swelling of your lips and cheeks after surgery. The swelling will gradually wear off 72 hours later. Do not apply warm compress to your cheek, as this may worsen the swelling.
  • Ensure oral hygiene at all times by brushing and rinsing gently after each meal.


  • Take your pain medications as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Complete the antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Stop the medications if there are signs of allergic reaction (e.g. skin rashes, breathing difficulty, swollen eyes of lips or face). Report to your General Practitioner or Emergency Department for treatment.

When to Seek Medical Attention?

If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, you are advised to seek medical attention immediately.

  • Severe and persistent bleeding from the wound.
  • Fever of 38˚C and above.
  • Signs of severe allergic reaction (e.g. skin rashes, breathing difficulty, swollen eyes of lips or face).

During office hours
You are advised to contact the Dental Clinic (Clinic 6B) @ 68894627, to schedule for an earlier appointment with your doctor.

Dental Clinic (Clinic 6B)
Monday - Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm
Saturday: 8.30am – 12.30pm
Closed on Sunday & Public Holiday

After office hours
You are advised to seek treatment at the nearest Emergency Department, Polyclinic or General Practitioner.

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