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Myringoplasty or Tympanoplasty or Mastoidectomy Post-Surgery Advice

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​What is a Myringoplasty / Tympanoplasty / Mastoidectomy?

Myringoplasty and tympanoplasty are surgeries to repair the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and/or the small bones of the middle ear (ossicles).
A mastoidectomy is done to remove diseased air cells from the mastoid bone, which is located behind the ear.
These surgeries are often performed to treat infections and restore hearing.

What Should I Take Note of After the Surgery?

The following instructions provide general information and advice regarding care after the surgery. Taking these precautions may help to reduce risks and complications.


  • There are no food restrictions. You may resume your normal diet.


  • You are advised to rest at home for a few days after surgery.
  • As you start to feel better post-surgery, you may choose to be more active. However, vigorous exercise (such as swimming and running) should be avoided until you have been reviewed by the doctor at your next follow-up appointment.
  • For certain types of ear surgery, it is not advisable to go swimming or travel in an airplane until your doctor specifically allows you to do so. If unsure, always check with your doctor first.
  • To allow proper healing, avoid sneezing, blowing your nose too hard, or exposing your ear to water.

Wound Care

  • After the surgery, you will have a mastoid dressing (crepe bandage) applied over your wound and around the head. It is usually kept on for about 12 hours.
  • If you are discharged on the day of your surgery, the nurses will teach you how to remove the mastoid dressing by yourself the next day.
  • You may experience bloody discharge or drainage from the ear canal for a few days after surgery. This is normal and no cause for alarm.
  • You should keep the ear canal clean and dry until your next appointment (usually 1 week after surgery). During normal activities, keep a clean cotton ball in the ear canal. You can change the cotton ball as often as needed.
  • Keep the back of the ear dry for 3 days after surgery. After that, you may be able to shower as usual. Dab dry the area after shower or bath, taking care not to rub the area.
  • An appointment date will be given to you for a review with your doctor.

Pain Management

  • You may experience some pain and soreness in your ear after surgery. These symptoms will usually go away after 3 to 5 days post-surgery.
  • Take your pain medications as prescribed by the doctor. If you are prescribed with antibiotics, please complete the full course of the antibiotics.
  • Please stop the medications if you show signs of allergic reaction (skin rashes, breathing difficulty, swollen eyes, lips or face).

When and Where Should I Seek Medical Attention?

You should seek medical attention if you experience any of the following:

  • Very severe dizziness attacks, vomiting or weakness on one side of your face
  • Redness, swelling, increasing pain, excessive bleeding or discharge at the wound site
  • Increasing fluid discharge or odour from operated ear
  • Signs of infection such as a fever of 380C or more and chills
  • Signs of severe allergic reactions (e.g. skin rashes, breathing difficulty, swollen eyes, lips or face)

If you experience any of the above, please contact TTSH ENT Clinic 1B at 63578007 for an earlier appointment, during office hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am – 12 noon
Sunday & Public Holiday: Closed

After office hours, you are advised to seek medical attention at the Emergency Department, Basement 1, TTSH.
You may also choose to go to your nearest polyclinic or family doctor.

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