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Nutrition: Healthy Eating Guidelines

My Healthy Plate shows what a balanced and healthy diet should look like and can be used by everyone. However, those with medical conditions should talk to their doctor/dietitian before using My Healthy Plate.

Your plate should include:

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How Do I Use "My Healthy Plate"?

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Whole Grains

  • Whole grains provide energy for your body.
  • Whole grains (brown rice, whole meal bread) are healthier than refined grains (white rice, white bread).
  • Examples of whole grains are:

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Fruits and Vegetables

  • Fruits and vegetables help to prevent constipation, heart disease, strokes and some cancers.
  • Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Examples of fruits and vegetables are:

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Meat and Others

  • Meat and others help to build muscles and heal wounds.
  • Examples of meat and others are:

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Choose Healthier Oils

  • Choose unsaturated oils such as:

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Importance of Calcium

  • Calcium helps to build strong bones and teeth as well as prevent osteoporosis.
  • Foods high in calcium include:

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