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Nutrition: Increase Fruits and Vegetable Intake

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Why Should We Eat Fruits and Vegetables?

– Naturally low in fat, calories and salt
– Contains a range of essential vitamins and minerals
– Good source of dietary fibre:

  • Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease
  • Promotes proper bowel function
  • Offers feeling of fullness with lower overall calorie intake
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 We should aim to have 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables per day.

So What Does One Serve of Fruit or Vegetables Look Like?

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   *Starchy or root vegetables like potatoes and corn do not count as vegetables as they are starchy and are more like rice or bread.

 How Much is One Serving of Fruits?

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1 SMALL apple, orange, pear or mango (130g)

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1 WEDGE papaya, pineapple or watermelon (130g)

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10 grapes or longans (50g)

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    1 MEDIUM banana or 1 CUP dried fruit* (40g)

How Can We Increase Our Fruits and Vegetables Intake?

  • ​Aim to have 1 fruit serve at 2 of your meals daily
  • Substitute snacks at break time for a serve of fresh fruit
  • Keep a bag or container of pre-cut fruit in the fridge or freezer to eat at a later time
  • Mix in vegetables or fruits (e.g mangoes, pineapples) into meat dishes, stews or curries
  • Add fruits or vegetables into yoghurt/curd
  • When buying food, choose 2 vegetable sides + 1 protein side
  • Canned fruit and vegetables with the Healthier Choice Symbol are good, nutritious alternatives to fresh produce
  • Choose canned fruit in natural fruit juice rather than syrup and canned vegetables without added salt 

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