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Nutrition: Nourishing Drinks

​Getting More Out of Your Fluids

Drinks may be easier to manage than solids when you do not feel like eating. Getting enough fluids is also important to keep yourself hydrated. However, clear liquids (e.g. water, plain coffee/tea and clear soups) contain little energy (calories) and protein. This means that they will make you feel full without providing much nutrition to your body. Alternatively, nourishing drinks provide extra energy and protein in addition to fluids.

 Nourishing drinks are useful if:

  • You are underweight or experience unintentional weight loss
  • You have increased energy and protein needs due to medical conditions (e.g. cancer, infected wounds)
  • You are eating lesser due to poor appetite or nausea
  • You are on a full liquid diet

The table below shows some examples of nourishing drinks.

Nourishing drinks High in energy High in protein


Milk is a common base for milkshakes and
smoothies. It can also be added to coffee, tea, malted and chocolate drinks. Choose full cream milk instead of low fat/skim milk as it contains more energy. For more nourishment, you can add two tablespoons of full cream milk powder to one cup of full cream milk.

Soy milk

The protein in soy milk is comparable in
protein to that in cow's milk. It is a good
alternative for those who are vegan, lactose intolerant or dislike the taste of cow's milk.

Oat milk, almond milk and rice milk

These are good alternatives for those who are vegan, lactose intolerant or dislike the taste of cow's milk.


Nourishing drinks High in energy High in protein
Commercial yoghurt drinks
Cream soups
Malted drinks
Chocolate drinks
3-in-1 beverages
Fruit/vegetable juices
Sweetened beverages including non-diet soft drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks
Cordials, syrups and honey water





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Instructions: Blend all the ingredients together until it becomes smooth. ​ ​ ​ ​

200ml of full cream milk or soy milk
One tablespoon of full cream milk powder or soy milk powder
One scoop of ice cream
Flavour the milkshake with peanut butter, chocolate/strawberry syrup, vanilla essence or honey as per your preference. For more local flavours, try adding Milo/Ovaltine/Horlicks powder.


Fruit smoothie

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Instructions: Blend all the ingredients together until it becomes smooth. ​ ​ ​ ​

100ml of full cream milk or soy milk
100ml of full fat yoghurt
Fruit of your choice (e.g. banana, mango or berries)
Flavour with honey as per your preference

You may require oral nutritional supplements (liquids or powders which provide macronutrients and micronutrients) if you are unable to meet your nutritional requirements through diet alone. They are mostly available over the counter in supermarkets or pharmacies. Speak to your doctor/dietitian to find out which are more suitable for you.

Where Can You Get More Information?

To find a dietitian, please call 6357 8322 to make an appointment. You will need to obtain a referral from your doctor for a dietitian consultation session.

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