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Spine Surgery: What You Should do After Surgery

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When can You be Discharged?

You are medically fit to be discharged from hospital when you fulfill the following criteria

  • Your condition is stable
  • You have no fever
  • Your surgical wound is healing well
  • You fulfill any other criteria determined by your doctor

What Should You do After You Have Been Discharged?

These instructions provide general information and advice on what you should do after you have been discharged.
Please note that these guidelines are not exhaustive and taking these precautions may help to reduce risks and complications after your surgery.

1. Wound Care

After surgery, there will be a dressing covering your wound. Your doctor will decide how often it is necessary to change the dressing. If the dressing gets wet during shower, you should change the dressing afterwards. Do not soak in a bathtub till the wound is completely healed (usually about two weeks after surgery).

2. Activities

You should avoid the following activities unless permitted by your doctor:

  • Carrying loads heavier than 1 to 2kg
  • Driving a motor vehicle or riding a motorcycle
  • Participating in sports or heavy physical activities
  • Any activity or body position which causes severe pain

3. Diet

You may resume a regular balanced diet after discharge from hospital, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

4. Medications

Medications for pain-relief usually do not need to be taken regularly unless you have significant pain.
If you experience abnormal reactions such as rashes, breathing difficulty, eye swelling and/or other symptoms after taking any medication, please discontinue the medication and consult your nearest clinic or our hospital.

5. When Should You Seek Medical Attention?

You need to seek medical attention if you experience the following:

  • Surgical wound persistently discharges fluid or pus
  • Worsening pain, numbness or weakness in the limbs
  • Inability to pass urine
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