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image of Dr. Timothy James Watson

Dr. Timothy Watson is a board certified interventional cardiologist with a keen interest in novel technologies and research.

Dr. Timothy qualified from the University of London and went on to complete his internship and residency in various hospitals in London and across the West Midlands region. After attaining Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of London, he joined a clinical research-training programme where he led a study investigating mechanisms of blood clot formation in Atrial Fibrillation, a common irregular heart beat which can increase the risk of stroke. For this work, he was awarded a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the University of Birmingham.

Dr. Timothy trained in general and interventional cardiology primarily at Addenbrooke's and Papworth hospitals in Cambridge. He subsequently undertook a fellowship in interventional and structural cardiology at the renowned Green Lane Cardiovascular Unit in Auckland, New Zealand. In this center, he was involved in various first-in-human studies using exciting and novel technologies, some of which are now being introduced into clinical mainstream practice.

Dr. Timothy has worked as a Consultant (Interventional) Cardiologist in New Zealand, Malaysia and in Singapore. In addition to his work as a clinical cardiologist, Dr. Timothy continues to undertake various research projects as investigator and maintains active research collaborations with the Auckland group.

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