What Matters to You Synopsis Participants will learn how to conduct meaningful what matters conversations to find out the priorities of seniors/residents/patients. Participants will learn about 4 quadrants framework to aid holistic case conceptualization to guide intervention, as part of application of person-care approach. Participants will learn link between what matters and behaviour change, how information from What Matters To You conversations can be used to engage, motivate and influence behaviour change, so as to achieve outcomes that truly matter to the person. Date / TimeEvent date and time to be confirmed, but course will run between Jan-Mar 2024 Duration8h 2 days x 4h per day VenueTo be confirmed DescriptionTo reach out to contact person for more details. Event CategoryAHINet Event Contact PersonAudrey Loke EmailAudrey_Ch_Loke@ttsh.com.sg Event FeesFree Back to listing