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TTSH Nursing Research Unit (NRU) is a team of nurses who lead research studies, evidence-based initiatives, and implementation science projects.

We work with stakeholders from within and outside of nursing on projects to generate new knowledge, and translate the knowledge in a relevant and feasible manner in the clinical setting.


We aim to identify and address the current and future needs that nursing will face as a profession.

Enabling a community of carers

Support to both the family members and helpers employed to assist in the care of a loved one is essential.

Our research helped change how clinicians view the patient-caregiver dynamic, with both needing different types of support to thrive.

Our current focus on the development of a comprehensive support framework to empower caregivers in both the hospital and community.

Enhancing health activation

Our research aims to better understand the dynamic of health activation, particularly in our local Asian context.

We seek to guide clinicians on how they can better raise the activation level of the patients under their care, increasing the potential for patient-clinician concordance.

Empowering nursing workforce

Clinical care has become increasingly complex, reflecting the challenges of an aged population.

This necessitates evolution towards an agile nursing workforce, enabled through knowledge and greater integration with other clinical professionals.

Our research aims to guide nursing leadership in better equipping the future nursing workforce. View our research highlights below.


Beyond knowledge generation, it is essential that strong evidence is translated into our clinical practice. Evidence translation is applied through:

Evidence-based Nursing Projects

NRU has guided participants of the EBN Workshop in completing the following EBP projects:

  • Improving the sleep hygiene for adult patients
  • Patient education of seniors in the community with hypercholesterolemia
  • COPD patient education
  • PICC locking protocol

Curious Cat initiative

Our mentorship graduates have partnered with us to launch the Curious Cat, a multi-pronged initiative that aims to spark curiosity and promote a culture of inquiry among TTSH nurses.

Curious Cat activities include:

  • Have You Ever Thought: a series of posters that reinforce the importance of evidence based nursing practices
  • Curious Cat Café: a platform that provides help for nurses with their research/EBP projects
  • Curious Cat Thinking Space: display boards featuring research news/articles were put up in wards to engage nurses on the ground

We have established programs to develop the next generation of nurses who will helm the creation and application of evidence to guide tomorrow’s clinical practice:

Hybrid Nurse Clinician-Scientist

In 2018, a dual career track whereby nurses can develop as both clinical and research leaders in their department was pioneered in TTSH. Hybrid nurses are able to leverage on their proximity to clinical areas to pursue research that is clinically relevant, and conversely, utilise their research skills to advocate for nursing practices that reflect the best available evidence.

Nursing Research Mentorship Programme (NRMP)

The NRMP aims to develop clinical nurses who are attuned to both nursing research and EBP.

Our inaugural batch of NRMP Mentees graduated in September 2016.

Through the programme, nurses are mentored by expert nurses with research experience to:

  • Conduct a research/EBP project
  • Disseminate research/EBP knowledge (e.g. through journal clubs)
  • Champion research/EBP in their own clinical areas
The second batch of Mentees graduating in December 2018. The third intake of the programme is slated to commence in 2021.

Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) Workshop

Conducted annually, the EBN Workshop aims to develop nurses with the skills to systematically research and evaluate current nursing knowledge to promote evidence-based nursing practices.

The Nursing Research Fund (NRF) was set up to support TTSH nurses in their research or evidence-based practice (EBP) projects, which are important and aligned with the hospital’s priorities. If you would like to make a donation to the NRF to support the advancement of nursing research/ innovation/ EBP projects in TTSH, please contact us via email.

  Note: All monetary donations will enjoy 2.5 times tax-exemption (applicable to Singapore tax-payers only).

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