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​Clinical trials are studies that evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs or treatment strategies.

They are an integral component for improving the treatment of medical conditions and discovering of novel treatment. They allow our patients early access to novel and cutting-edge treatments before their approval for commercial use.

Clinical trials are usually conducted in humans in the following phases:

​​Phase 1 studies are conducted on a small number of health volunteers with close safety monitoring. The objectives are to find a safe dosage range and to study how the drug behaves in the human body.

​Phase 2 studies are conducted on a small number of patients who suffer from the illness being researched upon. The objective is to explore the therapeutic efficacy of the drug and to further evaluate its safety. A key objective of this phase is to determine the dose for Phase 3 trial.

​Phase 3 studies are conducted in a larger population of patients. These clinical trials demonstrate or confirm the therapeutic efficacy of the drug and enable the collection of safety information. These studies are intended to provide an adequate basis for submission to regulatory authorities for product registration.

​​Phase 4 studies are conducted to gather additional information about a drug’s safety, efficacy and optimal use when prescribed to a large number of people. They are also sometimes known as post-marketing studies.

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