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CME Webinar - Heart Failure Management in the Community


TTSH’s Department of Continuing and Community Care would like to invite you to join the following online CME webinar on heart failure management in the community.

Date / Time
14 September 2021 / 8.00 am - 9.00 am
1 hour
Zoom webinar

CME Points will be accredited.

Programme Outline

8.00 am - 8.05 am
Patient case Study
By Dr Theresa Yee and Ms How Ai Xin

8.05 am - 8.20 am
What's new in the heart failure management in the community
By Dr Tan Choon Keat

8.20 am - 8.30 am
Heart failure management in the community
By Dr Tan Choon Keat

8.30 am - 8.50 am
Approach to diuretic therapy for heart failure
By Dr Tan Choon Keat

8.50 am - 8.55 am
Summary of patient case study
By Dr Theresa Yee and Ms How Ai Xin

Register here

Event Category
CME Events
Contact Person
Avril Ho
Event Fees
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